Striving for Career Development and Professional Growth
The talent and passion of each and every employee drive ADKʼs growth. In line with that view, ADK provides all employees opportunities to learn and overcome challenges that are crucial to developing careers as professionals.

Career Step Program supports every employee in designing career paths
Rather than unilaterally assigning positions according to the companyʼs needs under a job-rotation system, ADK honors employeesʼ career dreams. Interviews are conducted with employees ‒ primarily those in their 20s ‒ on their career aspirations, which are accommodated by matching with our business strategies. We listen to employeesʼ needs and wants, jointly consider the environment they need to achieve their goals, honor their career plans, and assign them to new positions as necessary and when appropriate.
Personal Career Development Declaration System supports autonomous career planning
・Once a year, all employees review their careers and declare their career plans going forward. We then match our business needs with career aspirations to reassign employees as needed, even transferring them within group companies.
ADK University ‒ a place to broaden career vision, knowhow, and skills
ADK has constructed a training program to enhance employeesʼ job-performance capabilities. The ADK University instills basic skills needed for professional growth, and polishes skills and knowledge needed to expand business horizons. Working together with both in-house and external experts and with educational organizations, ADK University provides many supportive opportunities for learning and elevating skills in specialist fields.
- Seminars are held monthly on essential business themes such as digital marketing, SDGs, and the latest technological developments.
- We provide a wide range of educational material to support employees studying on their own. These educational programs include a variety of e-learning content and external training courses.
- In-house pro seminars are run by knowledgeable employees to impart immediately useful knowledge and knowhow to their colleagues.
- Subsidies are provided to employees taking educational and accreditation programs for certification in various specializations including marketing. ※In 2021, ADK allocated approx. ¥114.93 million to employee education and training
The Growth Stock Nurturing Project promotes mutual growth of new employees and on-the-job training partners
Treating every new employee as a “growth stock” with immense potential, ADK oversees their development under meticulous, one-year training plans. Under our training program, new employees are paired with OJT (on-the-job-training) partners who participate in multiple training sessions to learn knowhow and techniques for guiding new employees. Through this process, the OJT trainers themselves learn to cultivate talent and gain skills for their own growth.
- At the end of their one-year training program, all new employees make a presentation to ADKʼs executives on their growth in an event called the Growth Stock Shareholdersʼ Meeting. Our hope is to encourage all parties to share the same vision of an ideal OJT development system. ADK ascribes to the view that all new employees should be nurtured by the entire company.
- While the OJT partners are senior staff, management are assigned as OJT leaders, with the entire organization participating in the training of new employees. Also, meetings of OJT leaders enable them to share their views on the status of the training system and issues affecting it.
- Separate from the OJT program, new employees are also assigned in-house mentors upon their recruitment. By developing ties apart from business relationships from the earliest possible time, new employees are made to feel welcome to join ADK and keep working. This program is continually reviewed and refined annually for the best results.