Aiming for a Well-Balanced Mix of Personal Life and Work
ADK is aiming to create workplaces that enable all employees, including those with childcare or caregiving needs, to live up to their full potential. Recognizing the realities of such familial duties, we provide support so that employees may honor their at-home responsibilities while performing their jobs without undue hardship, including original policies that go above and beyond rules mandated by law.
L Star certification as superior companies for womenʼs employment.
ADK group companies were certified as superior employers that meet the standards established in the Law for the Promotion of Womenʼs Rights. (L Star: L stands for Lady, Labour and Laudable)
(ADK Holdings, ADK Marketing Solutions, ADK Creative One, ADK Emotions)
Preparing an environment to meet childcare needs
To enable our employees to raise their children with minimal stress, we have adopted childcare leave periods and policies that surpass legal requirements.
- Special vacation days for women to visit their obstetrician while pregnant. [Legally compliant]
- Special 7-day paternity leave for employees' spouses upon childbirth. [ADK original policy]
This leave allows spouses to accompany their expectant partners to and from hospitals, attend childbirth, and assist with the care of newborn and/or older children during the period from three months before childbirth to three months after childbirth. In 2022, the uptake rate for this special leave was 68%. - Short workdays are granted to employees until their child completes their third year of primary school. [By law, 6-hour workdays are required for employees with children up to three years old]
- Employees are exempted from working outside of regular business hours until their child completes their sixth year of primary school. [By law, applies to employees with children up to three years old]
- Employees are permitted up to five days(up to ten days for two or more sick children) of sick/injured childcare leave(children up to the start of primary school). [Legally compliant]
- A welfare service Benefit Station was established where employees can obtain a variety of services including childcare-related subsidies.
- Within the ADK portal site, the Childcare Mama and Papa Support Site was launched as an in-house consultation service. ADK also holds social events and workshops for returning employees to encourage sharing of information, activities designed to alleviate the childcare concerns of new mothers and fathers.
- Roundtable discussions are held for pre-mom employees. The event provides an opportunity for a lively exchange of opinions, with guest appearances by mother employees working in sales, media, and other departments.
- In 2022, 38% of eligible male employees took childcare leave. In 2023, we are targeting 100%.
Also in 2023, we expect to see 100% use of special leave by men for their wivesʼ childbirth.
Creating an environment conducive to caregiving
Recognizing the challenges in balancing work and caregiving, ADK has instituted original policies and extended leave times that go beyond legal requirements.
- In addition to the 93 days of leave mandated by law, three more months caregiver leave can be taken.
- Employees are permitted up to five days(up to ten days for two or more family members needing care) of leave for caregiving and other support to family members requiring care. [Legally compliant]
- A welfare service Benefit Station was established where employees can obtain a variety of services including caregiving-related subsidies.